Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), sometimes referred to as neurostar advanced therapy, are both treatments for individuals suffering from Depression, especially those who do not respond to antidepressant treatments. As a matter of fact, 30% to 40% of individuals are non-responsive.
VNS and TMS treatment are both effective, but TMS is more recommended. Here’s why:
- VNS. This treatment is FDA-approved but is invasive in nature. It aims to modify the activity of the central brain of people with chronic depression. Treatment providers use wires, wrapping them around the Vagus nerve, which in turn sends neural impulses to the brain.Conducting this treatment requires skill because damaging the right brain results in hoarseness of voice, difficulty breathing, and cough.
- TMS. Like VNS, TMS is FDA-approved, but what’s more interesting about this treatment is that our TMS therapy in Bridgewater, MA offers a noninvasive approach. This therapy involves the induction of externally-generated electrical current within the brain.
Comparing the two, TMS is better because it doesn’t have long-lasting side effects. There might be a slight discomfort, but it’s tolerable. It’s also more cost-effective compared to other treatment plans, yet can efficiently serve its purpose and is able to provide positive results than traditional treatments.
If you have more questions, you can contact South Boston TMS, your provider of psychiatry services in South Shore, MA. Get in touch!
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